Interior design service for tourist rentals

what quality of furniture does Agüita Salada Suites' interior design service use?
We work with some public brands and others specific to the hotel sector. The quality of the materials and finishes depend directly on the product range chosen and of course the budget we have to adjust to. Our interior designers will advise you in this selection to ensure the best value for money, but you will always have the last word. You can do a lot with a small budget, the question is knowing how to choose, and we are here to help you with that!

can I hire only a part of the service?
Yes, within the interior design you can hire the following services independently:

Selection and purchase management of decorative elements: We can design, select and take care of the purchase management, transport, reception and storage of the elements that your space needs, and you take care of the assembly.

Only selection of decorative elements: In this case we can make the selection of decorative elements only, and you are the one who buys them directly and is in charge of transport and reception.

Assembly: As long as you make sure that the elements are in your home, we can provide you with assemblers to leave everything installed. We will only need you to tell us exactly where each element goes or that you are with them to guide the personnel who will carry out the assembly.

Minor works: apart from the home staging or decoration service, we can offer you the possibility of carrying out small works in the house that really make a significant difference. We are talking about renovation of bathrooms, kitchens, interior carpentry, floors, closets, any small change that you dare to make and for which you need professionals of absolute confidence.

who advises me and designs with me?
An interior designer from our team will be in charge of your project and at your disposal during the whole process until the final photographs are taken.

what happens if a product arrives broken or defective?
At Agüita Salada Suites we do not receive orders at the homes. All orders are sent to a warehouse where a team checks them at the reception to ensure that they arrive in good condition. If this is not the case, we are notified in order to claim it to the supplier and replace the product. Once everything has been received at the warehouse and has been checked to ensure that it is in good condition, a day is arranged for transport and assembly at the home.

what happens if a product does not arrive on time?
We work with external suppliers and regular public brands, so we cannot be held responsible for possible delays by other companies, but we will do our best to avoid it. As a company, we opt for a professional service from the brands that takes more into account to avoid this kind of incidences.

what are the steps and time involved in this service?
The process starts with an estimated budget that we provide to our owners, based on some relevant information that we will ask them at the beginning (pictures of the current state, address of the property, floor plan if available, etc.).

The service is divided into 4 concepts:

  • Fees
  • Logistic costs
  • Investment in elements
  • Investment in minor work

The first step we take is to prepare an estimate of the total investment to be made. Once the investment to be made has been agreed, and the fees and logistic costs have been closed, we prepare a design and select all the elements that we foresee to use, and this work will be ready in a maximum of two weeks. Of course, you always have the possibility to make changes or modifications, which will be analyzed so that they affect the final budget and timing as little as possible.

Once the project and the list of necessary elements have been finalized, we will request payment in order to proceed with the purchases and organization. Depending on the suppliers and elements we have selected, shipments can take up to 6-8 weeks (for example in the case of furniture that is made to order). For this reason, we always take into account the needs of each case when choosing products and suppliers that can meet the requirements of each project.

what personal items can I leave in my property?
We recommend keeping certain items in the home that give the space personality, as guests appreciate enjoying this type of space, which is generally much more welcoming.

However, we must not forget that this is a furnished apartment rental and with all supplies contracted, where guests will spend a few days or a season, so we also recommend not to leave anything personal that has a sentimental value and decorative excesses that may overload the rooms.

Of course, we recommend avoiding leaving any type of clothing, personal photos, and other objects of value to the owner.

what things does my property need to have in order to start management?
In order to guarantee a comfortable and safe accommodation for guests, meeting the quality standards and requirements of this type of spaces, your property needs some basic items. We detail each of them in this list. If you are missing any of them, the Agüita Salada Suites interior design team can take care of supplying it and bring it/install it in the property.

  • Bedroom: bed with pillows (recommended 2 per guest, preferably one of them viscoelastic), comforter, mattress protector (Agüita Salada Suites provides its own high quality bed linen), bedside tables, bedside table lamps, closet or auxiliary furniture for clothes storage and hangers. We will supply the soap dispenser.
  • Kitchen: toaster, kettle, microwave, coffee maker, bucket, cutlery, plates, bowls, cups, glasses, wine glasses, frying pans, pots, general kitchen utensils such as table, kitchen knife, scissors, corkscrew, etc...
  • Bathroom: hair dryer, toothbrush holder, trash can. We will provide you with hand soap dispensers, shampoo and gel.
  • Living - dining room: dining table and chairs, sofa, side table, some indirect lighting lamp and tv.
  • General: Iron and ironing board, mop and broom, mop and bucket, vacuum cleaner (necessarily without filter). It is advisable, for the needs of the guests, to have washing machine, dryer and outdoor or folding clothesline.
  • Others: 3 sets of keys, wifi, electric hot water heater, air conditioning. Please contact us to resolve any questions you may have.

is it mandatory to hire this service to manage my home?
No, the interior design service is offered as part of the tourist housing management service. The owner has the total freedom to decide if the investment that the interior design service implies is relevant to maximize the income of his property or not.

why does Agüita Salada Suites offer this service?
Guests are becoming more and more demanding, and therefore, it is crucial to offer them a home that has an updated decoration. To achieve this, we rely on two key factors: design (providing the homes with an elegant and attractive decoration) and functionality (through adequate and durable furniture).

We prepare the homes completely, starting from an empty or semi-furnished space, working on wall colors, lighting, furniture or decoration, household basics and other elements, until we reach the final result.

what does the interior design service offered by Agüita Salada Suites consist of?
This service is designed for those owners who need to renovate or modernize their property before renting it to the tourist market. We have a team of professional interior designers, capable of radically changing a space. Inspired by the tastes and needs of travelers, our goal is always to bring out the maximum potential of each property
each home.

This is a comprehensive service, to enhance the characteristics of the space, offering a more powerful visual effect and an attractive result for guests.

Contacto - Aguita Salada Suites