Maintenance service

what does the maintenance service of my vacation rental include?
Agüita Salada Suites has a specialized team to carry out basic maintenance of the properties.

If the repair of the property requires a very specialized service, Agüita Salada Suites has a range of suppliers to provide this assistance. Everything would be done prior authorization of the budget by the owner.

Finally, Agüita Salada Suites can take care of the coordination with the homeowner's insurances in case any of the incidents in the house depended on them. The cost incurred for maintenance work will be billed separately.

why does Agüita Salada Suites offer maintenance service?
We offer a continuous service of repairs or maintenance of the property to cover any unforeseen event or necessary replacement, without you having to worry about anything. A property prepared for this type of rentals guarantees a much better positioning in the different platforms and a much more comfortable and pleasant stay for the guests, which means better evaluations and, therefore, a higher profitability.

We want guests to experience the comfort of their home just as we would like if we were in their place.

Contacto - Aguita Salada Suites