Forms of Payment

are there any additional charges?
Apart from our management fee, additional charges that may be incurred by our clients may include: any scheduled cleaning services after the owner's stay in the apartment. Any maintenance work carried out by our operators, including access to a third party maintenance company or delivery of requested items to the property during a guest's stay.

how is the Agüita Salada Suites rate calculated?
Our fee of 20% + IGIG is calculated on the monthly net amount of the total bookings handled, already discounted any sales channel costs as well as cleaning fees, which are paid by the guests separately from the price of the stay.

where can I see my invoices?
In Complete Management, clients will receive, at the end of the month, the invoice by email, together with a monthly report of the activity of the property, including income, expenses, occupancy, etc.

do your rates include taxes?
The management fees shown on our website do not include taxes, which are 7% of IGIC.

how do the payments work?
We take care of the management of collections and payments. At the beginning of the following month, between days 1 and 5, you will receive a transfer for the total amount that your reservations have generated, already discounted our benefit of 20% plus IGIC.

You will also receive an email with the monthly activity report, detailing each of the reservations attended, the associated cleaning costs, and the total amount paid by the guests.

Contacto - Aguita Salada Suites